86 High Street, Mott House
This is a one storey 18th century house, having been ‘newly erected’ in 1773, when bought by William Biggs for £75. It was left to his niece Elizabeth Juggins andowned by her family until 1877. In 1882 there was a shoe business here run by Mr. Mott, with the family continuing this until 1958. In 1939, a room was let out to Carlo Pratelli who was a dentisit (known affectionately as 'Mr Yankem') who, later, moved his practice to a room in the Merry Bells. Tenant Wilfred Cox, Wheatley signalman, bought it in 1958.
Listing details state 'House. Late C17/early C18. Colourwashed limestone rubble and squared quoins with timber lintels; old plain-tile roof and brick stacks. 3-unit plan. One storey plus attics. Front has 6-panel door to right of centre with two 3-light casements to left and one to right; central 3-light dormer. All windows have C20 leaded lights. Projecting stone and brick stack to right, stack to left and central lateral stack at rear. Interior not inspected'.
There is a taped interview on M ott House on Youtube at https://youtu.be/eNssfysIA9s (part 1) and https://youtu.be/YUW5o4TIGRA (part 2)