25-39 High Street
Views of the High Street (1976, 1980 & 1986) including the Old Parsonage and The George (photos from 1920 and 1976).
The George, with origins back to 1570 and belomging to the House family, was a packhorse inn in the 16th century, being on the old coaching route and thus attracting passing trade. It was probably re-fronted in the early 18C. Inspection of the wall line opposite the George suggests that this was set back to allow coaches to swing into its courtyard. After coaches were re-routed along the London Road, it closed as an inn. Closed as an inn by or before 1852, it was converted into three tenements and remained so until 1959 when it was converted to two homes. The stable block at the rear of the property has long-since disappeared.
(A coaching inn needed a minimum of 100ft frontage, whereas the George Inn only had 65ft and it would have needed a large assembly room, and a large number of stables, which was unlikely.)
See also 1313