48 High Street, Mrs Russell Post mistress c 1890
Archive Notes:
Photo of Mrs Russell postmistress in c.1890 after death of her husband John Russell. She ran it until 1908 when Alice Tubb took over this role, still run from 48 High Street. By 1910 Alice had assumed the name of Maud Tubb and was still postmistress in 1920. Apart from Alice Tubb, there were five postmen on the 1911 census, George Clements, Albert Rogers, Charles Jennings, Albert Jones and Frederick Lees; and three listed as involved in the Postal Telegraph, Thomas Hanner, John Putt and 15-year old William Jones
As Mrs Russells photograph shows, she modelled herself in appearance on Queen Victoria.
See also record 1251.
Map Address:
Related Items:
- Barclays Bank
- 48 High Street and Station Road
- King and Queen Inn, High Street
- 44 High Street, The Railway Tavern or Railway Inn and view 44-55 High Street
- 43-55 High Street
- 44 High Street and view 46-55 High Street
- 48 High Street
- 48 High Street and view 43-55 High Street
- 48 High Street and view 43-55 High Street
- 46 High Street
- 40-55 High Street
- 44-50 High Street
- Station Road 2 and 4 and 48 High Street
Archive Number: