Manor House
Archive Notes:
Plan showing land still owned by the Manor as at 2018
Map Address:
Related Items:
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - tenants and tenant farmers
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - various handwritten notes
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - wartime
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - possible demolition
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - sale to Rose brothers
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - 4 households
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Hassall purchase
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - wall-papering
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Wheatley Manor book
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Camoys plaque
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - drawings and photos from 1822
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Kitchen garden
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - garden and general history
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - plan when 4 cottages
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - folklore and witchcraft
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - article on Cromwell
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Hassall letter 1940
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - Cullum Brothers estimates
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - 1999 photos
- The Hinton Collection of early postcards of Wheatley - 1913-1915
- 26 High Street, The Manor House - charity event 2010
- Wheatley Manor - Its Owners and Occupants 956-2015
- Manor House - List of Title deeds
- Manor Farm fields
- Manor House farm tenants
- Manor House
- Manor House
- The Manor at various dates
- Manor House
- Manor farmland sales 1841 and 1846
- Manor House
- Sale of Wheatley Manor House to the Diocese of Oxford
Men at Address:
Archive Number: