Sale of Wheatley Manor House to the Diocese of Oxford

Archive Notes:

Sale of Wheatley Manor House to the Diocese of Oxford.

On 14 January 1851, and after it had been bought out of the family trust in 1834, John Brocas Whalley Smythe Gardiner sold, for £1,200, the manor house and its immediate 16 acres to the Diocese, who were intending to develop it into a new Diocesan training school. A few months later, they changed their minds and it was re-sold to Joseph Henley, MP. for £950, who did not live here as his family owned and lived at Waterperry House, see British History online. Joseph died in 1910

For more information see E. Hess, Wheatley Manor: Its Owners and Occupants, 956-2015, (Wheatley, 2015) pp. 130-131.

See also (members of the Archive only) record 2610 'The WSG story' which includes the legal opinion on the title to the Manor + 16 acres sold to the Diocese of Oxford in January 1851

Proof of his ownership and the conveyance plan are shown.

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