Wheatley Society 50th anniversary exhibition 2024

  • Poster outside 48 High Street
  • Exhibition
  • Exhibition
  • Exhibition
Archive Notes:

Wheatley Society 50th anniversary exhibition 18 May 2024, covering the period 1974-2024

See record 2805 for a General History including photos of WS events, updated since this exhibition.

See record 2824 for details of shops 1974-2024.

To find a complete (all periods) archive of information and photos, use relevant Keyword from drop-down menu in Word search as follows for what was exhibited on (panel number); Schools (13), Footpaths inc. Rights of Way (12), Morris Dancing (16), Windmill (10), Wheatley Productions (five panels of pantomimes and plays), Wheatley Society (19), Littleworth Nature Reserve (8), Traffic (6),and Village Plans which include Parish Plan 2004, High Street Improvement 2017 and Neighbourhood Plan (7).

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