History of Wheatley Parish Council
History of Wheatley Parish Council.
It was formed in 1932 after the dissolution of Wheatley Urban Distrct Council, and celebrates its 90th anniversary this year (2022)
As at February 2022, there are fourteen (one vacancy) councillors serving on the Parish Council and the Clerk to the Council is Michelle Legg. Chairman is Alison Sercombe, other councillors are Richard Barrett, Patricia Bignell, Frances Burnett, Andrew Cooper, Paul Gregory, Richard Harding, Daniel Lawrence, Toby Newman, Peter Ramsdale, Anthony Shepherd, Richard Street, Lizzie Tully, Paul Willmott.
On 4 February, Michelle Legg and Alison Sercombe gave a talk to the Wheatley Society about the past, present and future of the Parish Council, outlining the very complex organisation which it had become and the number of roles being progressively devolved down to it from the District and County Councils.
Alison said that she is related to three of the original 1932 councillors - Fred and James Shepherd and James White. Her grandfather Ernest was cousin to both Fred and James. There are three photographs of Alison which she has let us have as attached. The four generation one of Wheatley Women shows Audrey Florence Wagstaff nee Shepherd standing; sitting left is Phyllis Shepherd nee Washington and sitting right is Thomasine Washington nee King. On her lap is Alison. It was taken in 1957 in the back garden of 39 Crown Road on the occasion of the silver wedding anniversary of Ernest and Phyllis Shepherd.
See also https://wheatleyparishcouncil.gov.uk/about-wheatley-parish-council-2/ and the Genealogy section of the Archive website, https://www.wheatleyarchive.org.uk/genealogy.php on which you can search a family such as the Sercombes.